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Engineering Sciences
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BEng) - SRH (Heidelberg)
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Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BEng) - SRH (Heidelberg)

SRH University (Heidelberg)
On campus
 2000 Points
3 Years, 6 Months
Apply date
Jul 2024
Start date
Oct 2024

Program Description

With the fundamental subjects (mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, CAD, electrical engineering, thermodynamics) in the Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (BEng), you will immediately dive deeper into the exciting world of engineering.

Building on these basics, you will then analyze technical questions and develop innovative solutions (machine elements, innovation management, product development). You will apply this knowledge in your industrial internship.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

Mathematics and Natural Sciences I+II

Fundamentals of Engineering Sciences I+II

Semester 2

Fundamentals of Engineering III

Product Development: Innovation and Economics

Product Development: Construction

Product Development: Automation

Year 2

Semester 3

Product Development: Thermodynamics

Product Development: Production and project management

Automotive and propulsion technology

Machine elements

Semester 4

Product development project

Industrial internship

Year 3

Semester 5

Innovations in product development

Research & Development: Introduction to numerical methods

Research & Development: Introduction to fluid mechanics

Research & Development: heat transfer

Semester 6

Research & Development: Thermo-fluid sciences

Research & Development: numerical analysis


Year 4

Semester 7

Bachelorthesis + Kolloquium

Jobs - Careers

  • Engineer in the area of research and development
  • Construction Engineer
  • Engineer in product development
  • Production Manager
  • Technical Management
  • Technical Sales
  • Engineer in quality management or patent matters
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