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Computer Science & IT
Computer Engineering (Distance)
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Computer Engineering (Distance)

MIU City University Miami
Miami. FloridaUSA
 985 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

The Bachelor in Computer Engineering aims to prepare students to mature into professionals that have an active role in their chosen field. The bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering prepares the graduate for developing and using technologies, as well as being able to design, produce, and manage data elaboration systems in a wide range of applications.

Our innovative and flexible online learning system, “Interactive Online Learning”, responds to the needs of young and adult students who have to reconcile and plan their study activities with their professional commitments.

Every year, MIU’s scholarship program includes many scholarships dedicated to different categories of students.

Entry Requirements

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Objective of the Program

At the end of the Computer Engineering bachelor’s degree, graduates will have acquired a wide range of fundamental knowledge, especially in the math, information science (computing, electronics, telecommunications), and engineering management fields.

By considering the rapid rise in society’s need for information, the student will have developed the capacity to understand and value the working principles of processing systems, both in hardware (system architecture) and software aspects, being able to identify, formulate, and resolve the diverse problems by using updated methods, techniques, and instruments.

The following professional activities are included in the training course for the computer engineer: The design and production of company information systems, the computerizing of public and private agency services through web technology, the development of multimedia and hypermedia systems, the modeling and control of productive processes and complex systems, the development of computer systems based on the project techniques of HW/SW, and the planning of systems based on architectural and network computing.



  • 360º Digital Marketing
  • Digital Project Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Data & Business Analytics
  • Design Management


Year 1

English Composition I


College Mathematics I

Advanced Writing Techniques

College Mathematics II

English Composition II

General Psychology


Year 2



World History


Computer Programming


Computer Architecture and System Software

Year 3

Operating Systems

Information System and Safety

Human-Computer Interaction

Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Web Application Development

Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++

Year 4

Algorithms and Complexity

Computer Structure

Networks and the Internet

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

Information Retrieval

Embedded Software Engineering

Project Management


  • Software Applications Planning and Implementing
  • Computer Procedures Analysis
  • Web Infrastructures Engineering
  • Software Engineering and Development
  • Networks and Embedded Systems Architectural Engineering
  • Systems and Networks Administration and Management
  • Web Master and Web Designing

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