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Business Management & Marketing
Bachelor in Business Management (BSc) - ARU (Cambridge)
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Bachelor in Business Management (BSc) - ARU (Cambridge)

Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge)
On campus
 2552 Points
3 Years

Program Description

Through the Bachelor in Business Management (BSc) program at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), you’ll get a thorough grounding in areas that underpin all successful organisations, including human resources, marketing and finance. But you’ll also look at current issues in the world of business, such as globalisation, sustainability and social change.

As you’d expect from a Business Management degree, there’s a focus on advanced management training too. Our training is professionally accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), giving you a competitive advantage in the jobs market.

• Tuition fees for students who have citizens' rights after Brexit: £9,250/year

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Global Business Environment and International Strategy

Organisational Behaviour

Introduction to Business Contracts and the Law

Introduction to Financial Analysis and Management

Digital Business and Principles of Marketing

Year 2

Core modules:
The Entrepreneurial Journey
Project Management and Implementation
Ruskin Module
Understanding the Consumer
Applied Leadership and Communication

Optional modules:
Business Innovation
Developing Professional Practice and Using Information in HR
Financial Management
Foundations of Leadership Studies

Year 3

Core modules:
Strategic Management
Sustainability and Responsible Business
Undergraduate Major Project

Optional modules:
International Intercultural Management
The Reflective and Empathetic Entrepreneur
Marketing Communications
Employment Law and Relations
Contemporary Issues in Leadership and Management


A business management degree can prepare you for careers in a range of industries, in the UK and internationally.


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