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Business Management & Marketing
Business (Law)
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Business (Law)

Dublin Business School
On campus
 1258 Points
3 Years
Apply date
Apr 2025

Program Description

Law is a vast area of study. Recent high profile domestic cases have focused attention on the need for compliance with legal principles and requirements. These principles dictate the way in which individuals and organisations carry out their daily business.

In an increasingly litigious society, businesses rely on employees with appropriate legal knowledge to ensure that business activities are carried out in a manner that is both ethical and fully compliant with all legal requirements. This course is designed for students intending to pursue a business career in areas where a detailed knowledge of law is useful.

Entry Requirements

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The BA (Hons) Business Studies is taught mainly through lectures and tutorials, with students taking responsibility for a significant amount of study outside scheduled class contact times. Assessment takes a variety of forms, including essays and reports, individual and group assignments and formal examinations. The majority of subjects are assessed through a combination of coursework and examination.


Program Structure

This law pathway provides a focus on business law and governance. This specialism focuses on ensuring business is conducted in a way which is compliant with all legal requirements and this specialism is delivered within two modules at Level 7 (Principles of Business Law; Employee Relations and the Law) and two at Level 8 (Corporate Law and Governance; Advanced Business and Commercial Law).

The aim of the Law pathway of the programme is to help graduates to develop critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills that will allow them to analyse the legal issues that arise in the course of many common business activities in order to ensure compliance and prevent problems from arising.



Year 1

Maths and Stats for Business

Business Context and Organisation

Marketing Essentials

IT Essentials

Economic Perspectives

Learning to Learn

Introduction to Business Finance

Year 2


Financial Management

Business Information Systems

Business Ethics and Research Practice

Advanced Economic Perspectives

Principles of Business Law

Employee Relations and the Law

Year 3

Strategic Management

Global Business

Human Resource Management

Corporate Law and Governance

Advanced Business and Commercial Law

Capstone Project


Graduates from this programme will also be well-placed to pursue a business career in areas where legal knowledge is highly relevant – for example:

  • human resource management
  • finance
  • purchasing
  • compliance and contracts

The programme will also suitably equip graduates who wish to advance their studies in more specialised areas of law.


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