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Business Management & Marketing
Bachelor in Marketing - EKA University of Applied Sciences
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Bachelor in Marketing - EKA University of Applied Sciences

EKA University of Applied Sciences
On campus
 885 Points
3 Years

Program Description

The Βachelor in Marketing at EKA University of Applied Sciences is based on a workshop-based learning approach: part of the limited choice study courses are mostly workshops, where students together with industry professionals will work on solving practical tasks and developing skills in developing marketing solutions.

According to the report "The Future of Jobs 2020", changes in the demand for labor by occupation are predicted. Specialists in digital marketing take the 4th place for the most demanded specialists in the future. In the Βachelor in Marketing program, great emphasis is placed on digital marketing, offering students both special study courses and the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills in practical workshops.

Entry Requirements

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Compulsory Courses

Ιntroduction To Studies


Sales Management

Management Information Systems

Business Economics and Planning

Regulatory Framework Of Business

Intellectual Property Rights



Research Methodology


Labor, Environmental And Civil Protection

Study paper

Latvian language (for foreign students)

Specialization Courses

Internship at Business incubator

Marketing and types of marketing:
Workshop "Digital Marketing"
Workshop "Event Marketing"
Workshop "Influencer Marketing"
Workshop "Content Marketing"

Marketing Communication and Psyhology:
The Psychology of Communication
Workshop "Visual Communication"
Workshop “The Art of Speech and Presentation"
Marketing Communication

Modern Marketing Research:
Workshop "Digital Analysis (SEO, SEA)"
Consumer Behavior in the Market

Marketing Management:
Marketing Planning
Workshop "Creative ideas"

Marketing Solutions:
Workshop "Digital un Social Media Marketing DSMM"
Workshop "Multimedia Solutions"

Foreign Languages:
Professional Foreign Language I
Professional Foreign Language II

Final Exam:
Bachelor Paper

Jobs - Careers

  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Solve Analytical and Management Problems
  • Manufacturing
  • Service and Trade Sectors
  • Tourism Companies
  • Banks
  • Insurance and Auditing Companies
  • State and Municipal Institutions
  • Companies and Organizations
  • Joint Enterprises
  • Braches of Foreign Companies
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