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Arts, Design & Architecture
Liberal Arts - Music (Intended)
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Liberal Arts - Music (Intended)

Drew University
Madison, WisconsinUSA
On campus
 4764 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

Within the context of a liberal arts education, the Drew University Music Department nurtures and supports the development of a well-rounded and integrated understanding of music through a balanced curriculum providing experiences in historical study and research, solo and ensemble performance, theoretical and style analysis, and original composition work. The foundation of our curriculum is built upon the classical Western European tradition with extensions provided into musics of the world, jazz, popular, and new music practices.

The study of music at Drew extends a student’s comprehension of history and society while also preparing him or her for a career in music. The expression of ideas and emotions through music is integral to every culture. The broadly educated musician is in demand in the recording industry, education, theater, film, television, and radio.

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Music Fundamentals or pass placement test

Music in Context or pass placement test

Music Theory I ; co-requisite MUS 227L

Music Theory II ; co-requisite MUS 228L

Keyboard Studies or pass placement test

Music Capstone Fall Semester

Music Capstone Spring Semester

Music and Culture

History of Opera

Music and the Soundscape of Film

Music of the Whole Earth

History of Jazz

Women and Music

African American Music History

Music in the American Century

Special Topics in Music

Western Music History

Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Eras

Music of the Classic and Romantic Eras

Music of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

Topics in Music History


Music: Imagination and Technique

Introduction to Conducting


Music Composition (may be repeated for credit)

Techniques of 20th- and 21st-Century Composition


Electronic Music Composition

At least four semesters of private lessons at the introductory or advanced level

Introductory Vocal Instruction

Introductory Keyboard Instruction

Introductory Guitar Instruction

Introductory Strings Instruction

Introductory Woodwinds Instruction

Introductory Brass Instruction

Instrumental Percussion Instruction

Advanced Vocal Instruction

Advanced Keyboard Instruction

Advanced Guitar Instruction

Advanced Strings Instruction

Advanced Woodwinds Instruction

Advanced Brass Instruction

Advanced Percussion Instruction

Membership in at least one ensemble for at least four semesters

Improvisation Ensemble

Choral Union


Madrigal Singers

Pan-African Choral Performance

University Orchestra

Wind Ensemble

Flute Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble

Chamber Music

Meeting/Concert Attendance

Majors are expected to support all department events, but are required to attend all Works in Progress recitals, all majors/minors meetings, and designated concerts/department events.

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