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Πληροφορική & Τεχνολογία
Πτυχίο σε Computer Science (BSc) - Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick
    Χρειάζεσαι περισσότερες πληροφορίες;
    Συμπλήρωσε τα στοιχεία σου και θα επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σου άμεσα.
    Για το συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα υπάρχει Application Fee 250€.

    Πτυχίο σε Computer Science (BSc) - Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick

    Frederick University
    On campus
    4 Έτη
    Αιτήσεις έως
    Απρ 2025
    Μαϊ 2025

    Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

    The aim of the bachelor in Computer Science (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Computer Science (BSc)) is to introduce students to the underlying theories, technologies, and applications in the broader subject area of Computer Science.

    The bachelor in Computer Science (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Computer Science (BSc)) focuses on the provision of knowledge and skills to students to become exposed to all areas of computing, by acquiring a strong theoretical and practical understanding of the design and development of modern computer systems and implementing computer solutions to a variety of problems.

    Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

    Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

    Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

    Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα

    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles underlying the Computer Science discipline.
    • Analyse, design and develop software solutions for information systems that address various problems such as engineering, economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, and sustainability, within realistic constraints.
    • Understand and contribute towards the design and management of software-related projects.
    • Appreciate and evaluate the capabilities and limitations of existing and emerging technologies in the field of computer systems including networks, databases, programming languages, operating systems, computer architecture and organisation.
    • Abstract over and formulate problems of a computational nature.
    • Identify and employ appropriate techniques and technologies for addressing formulated problems.
    • Exhibit awareness of the major issues at the frontiers of computer science.
    • Interface with other disciplines for investigating and establishing the extent to which computer science could support the resolution of specific problems.
    • Explain how computers can interact with humans and appreciate the technologies that facilitate this interaction.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the use of technical literature and other information sources.
    • Demonstrate competency in oral and written communication skills, as well as in the use of relevant computing technologies and tools.

    Κορμός Μαθημάτων

    1ο Έτος

    1ο Εξάμηνο

    Foundations In Computing

    Readings And Seminars In Computing

    Programming Principles I

    Calculus And Analytic Geometry I

    Linear Algebra With Matlab

    Free Elective

    2ο Εξάμηνο

    Digital Logic

    Internet Technologies

    Programming Principles II

    Discrete Mathematics

    Calculus And Analytic Geometry II

    Free Elective

    2ο Έτος

    3ο Εξάμηνο

    Computer Organisation And Architecture

    Quantitative Methods

    Operating Systems

    Data Structures

    Theory Of Computation

    Free Elective

    4ο Εξάμηνο

    Computer Networks I

    Database Management

    Human-Computer Interaction

    Computer Ethics And Public Policy

    Object-Oriented Programming

    Technical Writing And Communication

    3ο Έτος

    5ο Εξάμηνο

    Advanced Computer Architecture

    Computer Networks II

    Software Engineering

    Advanced Database Systems

    Web Programming

    6ο Εξάμηνο

    Interactive Design

    Artificial Intelligence

    Systems Programming

    Software Engineering Professional Placement

    Dynamic Languages

    4ο Έτος

    7ο Εξάμηνο

    Algorithms And Complexity

    Project Preparation

    Computer Electives

    8ο Εξάμηνο

    Senior Project

    Computer Electives

    Καριέρα - Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

    • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Engineer
    • Network
    • System
    • Database
    • Security Designer
    • Administrator
    Μη ενημερωμένο περιεχόμενο
    Το περιεχόμενο δεν έχει ελεγχθεί τους τελευταίους 6 μήνες

    Χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια στην αίτησή σου;

    Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!