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Νoμικές & Πολιτικές Επιστήμες
Πτυχίο σε Legal Studies (BA) - Gannon University (Erie)
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Πτυχίο σε Legal Studies (BA) - Gannon University (Erie)

Gannon University (Erie)
Erie, PennsylvaniaΗΠΑ
On campus
 1829 Πόντοι
4 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Αυγ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The Bachelor in Legal Studies (BA) program at Gannon University (Erie) prepares students to enter the legal field, equipped with the knowledge, skills and competency to become valued and respected members of the legal profession.

During this course, students will experience internship opportunities with banks, corporations, courts, insurance companies and law firms. They will also be able to engage in interesting coursework that leads to a variety of careers in legal and related disciplines.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Στόχοι Προγράμματος

Students will be able to:

-Understand the structure of the State and Federal court system.
-Understand the differences between civil and criminal practice.
-Analyze (by briefing) reported legal opinions.
-Research legal problems using primary and secondary resources.
-Write clear, effective legal memoranda, using proper citation form, and to write with good grammar and spelling skills.
-Conduct effective interviews with clients and witnesses.
-Understand the procedure in a civil suit and draft appropriate pleadings.
-Be familiar with basic concepts of business organizations and contract law.
-Recognize the ethical standards of the paralegal profession.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Έτος

1ο Εξάμηνο

Foundational English or Philosophy

Global Language

Foundational Theology

Integrative History

Intro to Law

2ο Εξάμηνο

Foundational Philosophy or English

Global Citizenship or Global Language

Integrative Theology

Integrative Communication


2ο Έτος

3ο Εξάμηνο

Legal Research/Writing 1

Global Citizenship

Integrative English

Integrative Philosophy


4ο Εξάμηνο

Legal Research/Writing 2

LEGL Upper Level

Scientific Reasoning



3ο Έτος

5ο Εξάμηνο


LEGL Upper Level

Global Citizenship

Quantitative Reasoning

Professional Leadership/Ethics

6ο Εξάμηνο

Internship or Elective

LEGL Upper Level

Professional Communication

Aesthetic Reasoning


4ο Έτος

7ο Εξάμηνο

Writing Intensive Requirement

LEGL Upper Level

LEGL Upper Level



8ο Εξάμηνο

LEGL Upper Level Elective

4 Electives

Καριέρα - Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

  • Insurance Companies
  • Law Firms
  • Private Investigator Offices
  • District Attorneys
  • Banks
  • Hospital Administration

Χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια στην αίτησή σου;

Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!

Παρόμοια προγράμματα