To study criminology is to embark on a fascinating journey exploring the problem of crime. Learn about its causes and consequences, and investigating how society does and should respond to criminal behaviour in all its forms.
This course is ideal if you're interested in how society responds to criminal behaviour and the challenges that this provides. Blending theory with practice, you’ll develop your knowledge by exploring key issues related to crime and justice before testing that knowledge through placements (when possible) within criminology-focused organisations and projects.
This blended programme gives you the opportunity to pick from a wide range of options, enabling you to choose the areas you are particularly interested in or align with your career goals.
Your degree will focus on key elements of criminology and sociology including crime and control, social sciences, justice and punishment, and forensic skills. The course offers visits (when possible) to criminal justice organisations, courts and prisons, as well as industry leading guest speakers to give you a well-rounded and practice-based course that will propel you into your chosen career.