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Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες & Ψυχολογία
Πτυχίο σε Criminology with Psychology (BA) - De Montfort
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Πτυχίο σε Criminology with Psychology (BA) - De Montfort

De Montfort University
On campus
 2800 Πόντοι
3 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Αυγ 2025

Υποτροφία έως £2,000 για bachelor's

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Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The Bachelor in Criminology with Psychology (BA) degree at De Montfort University examines the causes, legal framework and responses to crime, combined with the study of psychology.

85% in work or doing further study 15 months after the course.

The program provides students with practical knowledge and transferable skills to become active citizens who critically reflect on, and challenge, established institutions and practices to contribute to their community and build a more just society. It will focus predominantly on the sociology of crime, while also consulting the study of psychology in the areas of philosophy, social policy, law and jurisprudence.

This will assist students in developing a critical awareness of contemporary issues in criminology in local, national and global contexts, alongside the development of a holistic approach to criminal justice. Students will have the opportunity to develop a suite of professional and personal skills to enhance their employability including: reflexivity, critical thinking, ethics and professional conduct, alongside theoretical and practical skills to enter a diverse range of career pathways within criminal and social justice roles.

The Bachelor in Criminology with Psychology (BA) provides students with skills to support learning for life through inquisitive and reflective practice, and the confidence to respond to the complexity and ambiguity of social change.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά του Προγράμματος

Students will:

  • Learn alongside a skilled team of criminologists actively involved in teaching and research, many of whom have worked within criminal justice or allied fields and have strong links with the British Society of Criminology and the British Sociological Association.
  • Study a variety of topics delivered through a block-taught process that encourages active and experiential learning to engage a diverse student population.
  • Develop key personal, professional and practical skills that enhance employability upon course completion.
  • Gain knowledge and insight into local, national and global criminological contexts from experienced academics working at the edge of criminological research and working to promote SDG16 (for which DMU is the global hub) on Peace, Justice and Stronger Institutions.
  • Participate in in-depth learning experiences through our DMU Global programme. Previous trips include the study of state crime at Auschwitz, subcultures in Chicago, and genocide education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Discover their individuality within the field of Criminology by conducting a self-designed research project from beginning to end that channels their creativity and aligns with their own world views
  • Benefit from block teaching, where most students study one subject at a time. A simple timetable will allow them to really engage with their learning, receive regular feedback and assessments, get to know their course mates and enjoy a better study-life balance.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Έτος

Block 1: Studying at University

Block 2: Principles of Social Research

Block 3: Applied Psychology

Block 4: Journeys through Justice

2ο Έτος

Block 1: Explaining Criminological Issues

Block 2: Communities of Justice

Block 3: TBC

Block 4: Researching Justice Journeys

3ο Έτος

Block 1: Planning Social Research

Block 2: Justice in a Globalised World

Block 3: Two optional Psychology Modules

Block 4: Final Year Project

Ευκαιρίες για εργασία

  • 1-1 advice and support: students can book unlimited 1-1 appointments. Personalised 30 min appointments to discuss any matters, from career goal setting, job interview preparation, CV reviews, and more.
  • Business Start-Up and Entrepreneurship Support: DMU Made’s team passion is second to none. They offer a plethora of opportunities (workshops, events, networking sessions, programmes, 1-1 appointments, and more) to support students on their entrepreneurial journeys.
  • Inside Edge Mentoring helps connect students with people in industry, mentoring students as they take their first steps into the workplace.
  • International Student Support: The university offers dedicated activities for international students, from employability led programmes to workshops and events to help them navigate the UK labour market, enhance their skills and strengths and feel more confident about getting their careers started in the UK.
  • Career Hub: a brand-new dedicated career space with career staff members and career ambassadors, ready to support students with any questions.

Καριέρα - Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

Graduate career opportunities are varied, with recent graduates going on to work in sectors including:

  • Policing
  • Youth justice
  • Community safety
  • Crime prevention
  • Victim Support
  • Prison Service
  • National Probation Service and probation partner organisations
  • Substance misuse services
  • Social work
  • Teaching
  • Policy related employment
  • Academia
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