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Ιατρική & Υγεία
Πτυχίο σε Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc) - Jonkoping
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Πτυχίο σε Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc) - Jonkoping

Jonkoping University
On campus
3 Έτη
Σεπ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc)) integrates these fields with evidence-based practice to increase the quality of life for people. The students will integrate and apply theory and practical exercises in the student clinic on campus, along with clinical internships and a major thesis project.

The Prosthetics and Orthotics Bachelor program has been accredited by the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) at the Prosthetist/Orthotist level.

The School of Health and Welfare at Jonkoping University is the only institution in Sweden to offer the Prosthetics and Orthotics Bachelor program, which also leads to a license to practice.

Since 2018, the bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc)) has been offered in English and accepts students from all over the world. Currently, about 100 students from around 10 countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia are studying for a bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Prosthetics and Orthotics (BSc)).

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Έτος

Models and Perspectives on Health and Disability

Prosthetics and Orthotics, Introduction

Anatomy and Physiology, basic course

Mechanics related to Prosthetics and Orthotics

Applied Materials Technology

Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics

Prosthetic Management and Biomechanics of the Lower Limb I

2ο Έτος

Orthotic Management and Biomechanics I

Prosthetic and Orthotic Management of the Upper Limb

Psychology, basic course

Prosthetic Management and Biomechanics of the Lower Limb II

Scientific Methods and Statistics

Prosthetic and Orthotic Management of the Foot

3ο Έτος

Orthotic Management and Biomechanics II

Prosthetics and Orthotics, Clinical Placement Studies

Elective course related to Prosthetics and Orthotics

Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge Translation in Prosthetics and Orthotics

Prosthetic and Orthotic Management in Paediatrics

Prosthetic and Orthotics, Independent Research Project

Καριέρα - Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

An Orthopedic Engineer works with:

  • Patient examination
  • Specification
  • Measurement
  • Casting
  • Manufacturing
  • Adaptation and testing of orthopedic technical aids, such as prostheses

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