The Bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics (BSc) (Πτυχίο σε Mathematics and Statistics (BSc)) is a program of study that covers topics across the whole range of mathematical areas and statistical fields, with opportunity to specialise further on statistics.
The curriculum is built on a variety of themes, which run through all academic years of the program; mathematical methods, statistical methods, analysis, probability, algebra, mechanics, computational mathematics, computational statistics and data analysis.
A variety of innovative teaching and assessment methods challenge the students to apply their mathematical and statistical knowledge and skills to real-world problems. Moreover, the program develops communication skills, such as delivering oral presentations and designing conference style posters. The latter years of the program have a number of specialist optional modules that will enable students to focus their degree towards their personal interests.
Overall, the Bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics (BSc) (Πτυχίο σε Mathematics and Statistics (BSc)) provides students with sufficient in-depth knowledge to enable them to embark on further studies or apply that knowledge in the industry. Graduates of mathematical sciences can be employed in several areas, such as education, biology, economics, engineering, genetics, marketing, medicine, psychology, public health and sports, and work as statisticians, data analysts, risk analysts, biostatisticians and quality analysts, among many.
The program is accredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), the UK’s professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians.
There may be additional costs by this University.