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Middlesex University
On campus
 2098 Πόντοι
3 Έτη

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

Not all nutrition courses take a holistic approach to the subject. Our BSc Nutrition programme is interdisciplinary in its approach, exploring the link between diet, health, disease and performance. As nutritionists play a key role in creating and translating research into nutritional advice and policies, you’ll learn all about how the human body uses nutrients and the effects this has on health.

Beyond theoretical knowledge, our course will advance your employability by developing skills like communication, numeracy, research, team working, creative thinking, and more. Your new skills will be relevant in a variety of careers, especially dietician, nutritional therapist, and science writer. If you’d like to focus on nutrition directly after graduation you’ll have the chance to work as a nutritional advisor, food scientist, heath trainer, or sports nutritionist.

Typical employers of nutrition graduates include the NHS, Public Health England, food manufacturers, plus the catering and hospitality industry.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Έτος

Nutritional Practice

Human Sciences

Cell Biology and Genetics

Metabolic Biochemistry

Principles of Human Nutrition

2ο Έτος

Research Methods and Professional Development

Diet and Health

Nutritional Biochemistry

Food and Nutrition Science

3ο Έτος

Clinical Nutrition

Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Public Health Nutrition


Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

This degree can be applied to a wide variety of careers such as:

  • dietitian
  • nutritional therapist
  • science writer
  • product quality researcher

You could choose to focus directly on nutrition and work in such roles as:

  • nutrition advisor
  • sports nutritionist
  • food scientist
  • food technologist
  • health promotion specialist
  • health trainer
  • teacher
  • academic
  • researcher

Typical employers of nutrition graduates can include:

  • NHS
  • Public Health England
  • Food manufacturing industry
  • Catering and hospitality
  • Grocery and related retailing

Χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια στην αίτησή σου;

Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!

Παρόμοια προγράμματα