This Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering (BEng) (Πτυχίο σε Electrical Engineering (BEng)) program of study will cover all the major components to allow you to become a successful Electrical Engineer. These include all the traditional topics such Electrical Machines, Electrical Power Systems, Power Electronics, Energy Management, Energy Storage and Electrical Automation. Given the increasingly important role of data in the generation and use of electricity it also includes much more modern topics such as Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence which are necessary to make electricity systems smarter and more secure. All of these topics build on foundational engineering modules which are taken in years 1 and 2 of the program.
Work experience is obtained through an eight-month period of Cooperative Education (Co-op), which is an integral part of the programme. Co-op will provide students with real-world industrial experience and practice. This will be taken in the summer at the end of second year and the first semester of the third year of the program.
In year four, the final year of the Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering (BEng) program, students aiming to graduate with a BEng degree will undertake a major individual project, which in general aims to solve a real-world problem. The project involves advanced design and implementation work and builds confidence by putting into practice the skills and knowledge that have been acquired throughout the program of study.