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Επιστήμες Μηχανικών
Biomedical Engineering
Αίτηση μέσω Brive
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Biomedical Engineering

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
On campus
 1232 Πόντοι
4 Έτη

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

This program is designed for undergraduate students studying in the direction of biotechnology. This program aims to provide students the necessary knowledge in the natural sciences, as well as to give specialized knowledge in the fields of chemistry, biology, genetics, bioinformatics and biophysics.

In the studying process students choose the most interesting direction for them: bioinformatics, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics etc. The task of the program is to give the most complete representations of these areas for the further specialization of students, as well as provide the opportunity for an in-depth study of selected specialties.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Εξάμηνο


Introduction to Calculus

Physics I.

Introduction to Physics

History of Russia

Foundations of Programming I

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science I

2ο Εξάμηνο

Analytic Geometry

Single Variable Calculus

Physics II. Mechanics

Applied Physical Education

History of Russia

Russian as a Foreign Language

Foundations of programming II

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II

Introduction to Linux

Organic Chemistry

General Biology

3ο Εξάμηνο

Linear Algebra

Multivariable Calculus

Probability Theory

Physics II. Thermodynamics

Applied Physical Education

Russian as a Foreign Languagе

Python Programming

General Chemistry

General Biology

4ο Εξάμηνο

Fourier Analysis

Ordinary differential equations I

Physics III. Molecular Physics

Applied Physical Education


Database Theory and SQL

Organic Chemistry

General Biology

Russian as a Foreign Languagе

5ο Εξάμηνο

Ordinary differential equations II

Stochastic Processes

Physics. Electrisity and Magnetism

Applied Physical Education

Russian as a Foreign Language


Bioorganic Chemistry

Molecular Biology

Cellular Biology


6ο Εξάμηνο

Partial Differential Equations

Physics Advanced

Applied Physical Education

Russian as a Foreign Language

Machine Learning I

Data Processing Technology

Bioorganic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Molecular Biology



7ο Εξάμηνο

Bioinformatics & System Biology


Neurotechnologies & Artificial Intellegence

8ο Εξάμηνο


Life safety

Bioinformatics & System Biology

Neurotechnologies & Artificial Intellegence

Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Research Scientist
  • Physiology
  • Medical Biochemistry

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Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!

Παρόμοια προγράμματα