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Επιστήμες Μηχανικών
Πτυχίο Μηχανικών Βιοϊατρικής (BSc) - Gannon University Erie
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Πτυχίο Μηχανικών Βιοϊατρικής (BSc) - Gannon University Erie

Gannon University (Erie)
Erie, PennsylvaniaΗΠΑ
On campus
 1859 Πόντοι
4 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Αυγ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering (BSc) program at Gannon University (Erie) aims to provide students with fundamental engineering design and analysis skills to solve medical and biological problems. Biomedical engineers work with health care professionals to design devices and equipment that enhance patients' quality of life. They do this by applying engineering product and process design strategies to medical problems.

During this program, students will have the opportunity to engage in undergraduate research opportunities in a variety of industries. They will also pursue engineering design projects that bring their ideas to reality. The program offers three tracks in Biomechanics, Bioelectrics, and Biomaterials.

The Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering (BSc) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

Biomechanics Track

1ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 1

Foundational English
Foundational Theology
Calculus I (Quantitative Reasoning)
Digital Computer Usage
Digital Computer Lab
Engineering Graphics
Engr Comp Graphics Lab
Intro to Engineering and Computing
Gannon 101

Εξάμηνο 2

Foundational Philosophy Calculus 2
Fund. of Physics 1: Mechanics
General Chemistry 1
General Chemistry 1 Lab
Molecular and Cell Biology
Molecular and Cell Biology Lab

2ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 3

Calculus 3
Fund. of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermo
Materials Science
Animal Form and Function
Animal Form and Func Lab

Εξάμηνο 4

Integrative Communication
Differential Equations
Integrative English
Global Citizenship

3ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 5

Comp Sim of Hum Move
Motion Capture Lab
Strength of Materials
Biofluid Mechanics
Fund. of Phys. 3: Electricity and Magnetism
Integrative Philosophy
Biosignal Processing Lab

Εξάμηνο 6

Aesthetic Reasoning
Engineering Statistics
Strength of Materials Lab
Bioengr Res. Methods
Res Project in Clin. Biomech
Technical Elective
Professional Seminar

4ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 7

Circuits I
Circuits I Lab
Bioengineering Lab
Biomed Engineering Design
Technical Elective

Εξάμηνο 8

Technical Elective
Integrative History
Senior Design Lab in BME
Biomedical Systems Mod.
Integrative Theology

Bioelectric Track

1ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 1

Foundational English Foundational Theology
Calculus I (Quantitative Reasoning)
Engineering Tools Applications and Lab
Engineering Graphics
Engr Comp Graphics Lab
Intro to Engineering and Computing
Gannon 101

Εξάμηνο 2

Foundational Philosophy
Calculus 2
Fund. of Physics 1: Mechanics
General Chemistry 1
General Chemistry 1 Lab
Molecular and Cell Biology
Molecular and Cell Biology Lab

2ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 3

Calculus 3
Fund. of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermo
Materials Science
Animal Form and Function
Animal Form and Function Lab

Εξάμηνο 4

Integrative Communication
Intro to C and C++
Digital Logic Design
Digital Logic Design Lab
Circuit I
Circuit I Lab

3ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 5

Computer Simulation of Hum Move
Motion Capture Lab
Strength of Materials
Differential Equations
Global Citizenship
Integrative English
Biosignal Processing Lab

Εξάμηνο 6

Integrative Philosophy
Engineering Statistics
Strength of Materials Lab
Bioengr Res Methods
Res Proj in Clin Biomech
Biosignal Processing
Professional Seminar

4ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 7

Integrative History
Bioengineering Lab
Biomechanics (Professional Communication)
Biomed Engineering Design (Professional Ethics)
Technical Elective
Intro to IoT with Microcontr

Εξάμηνο 8

Technical Elective
Senior Design Lab in BME
Biomedical Systems Mod.
Integrative Theology
Aesthetic Reasoning

Biomaterial Track

1ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 1

Foundational English
General Chemistry 1
General Chemistry 1 Lab
Calculus 1
Digital Computer Usage
Digital Computer Lab
Engineering Graphics
Engineering Comp. Graphics Lab
Intro to Engineering and Computing

Εξάμηνο 2

Foundational Philosophy
Foundational Theology
Calculus 2
Fund. of Physics 1: Mechanics
Fund. Phys
General Chemistry 2
General Chemistry 2 Lab

2ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 3

Fund. of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermo
Fund Phys 2 Lab
Materials Science
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry I Lab

Εξάμηνο 4

Integrative History
Calculus 3
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry II Lab
Animal Form and Function
Animal Form and Function Lab

3ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 5

Computer Simulation of Hum Move/
Motion Capture Lab
Strength of Materials
Structural Biochemistry
Intro to Psychology
Integrative English
Global Citizenship

Εξάμηνο 6

Integrative Communication
Integrative Theology
Strength of Materials Lab
Bioengr Res Methods
Res Proj in Clin Biomech
Differential Equations
Material Processing
Professional Seminar

4ο Έτος

Εξάμηνο 7

Circuits I
Circuits I Lab
Bioengineering Lab
Biomed Engineering Design
Integrative Philosophy
Aesthetic Reasoning
Biosignal Processing Lab

Εξάμηνο 8

Engineering Statistics
Senior Design Lab in BME
Biomedical Systems Mod.
Surface Science and Engineering

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Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!

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