This bachelor in Architectural Engineering (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Architectural Engineering (BSc)) covers engineering design, structures, and construction management. Education takes place in cooperation with other design and engineering professionals. Students are expected to have good visual skills, and a grasp of mathematics, and the history of architecture.
The bachelor in Architectural Engineering (BSc) (πτυχίο σε Architectural Engineering (BSc)) focuses on the responsibility of the architect in building design, the detailed development of building systems, and teamwork. This degree course aims to give students a clear understanding of the key contexts of architecture and the built environment, the design relationships among people, architectural space, and the environment – through live projects and contemporary situations.
Ιt comprises lectures, workshops, and studio design work. The Institute of Architecture Engineering has contacts with a vibrant national and international community made up of leading architects and related researchers. Students will engage in perspective projection, drawing, computer graphic design, and model building.