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Business Administration
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Business Administration

Solbridge International School of Business
On campus
 1274 Πόντοι
3 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Αυγ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a practical and international program designed to help students develop the fundamental business and management skills needed to kick-start their career.

BBA students build the academic foundations for developing a successful career by learning key business concepts in their first and second years. They will advance to one of the five specializations (Finance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Technology and Innovation or Data Analytics) or complete a non-specialized general degree in their third year.

At the end of the first year, students choose a career track they wish to pursue after graduating from SolBridge, including job placement in Korea, job placement overseas, starting their own business, dual degree program, or graduate education.

Track 1: Overseas Job Placement

Students spend 3-4 years at SolBridge with the goal of getting a job overseas. Job placement may be done with or without existing partnerships at SolBridge. This track ensures that students take the right courses and focuses on getting students into relevant exchange and internship opportunities. This is achieved with the help of SolBridge Career Development Center and Track advisors.

Track 2: Job Placement in Korea

Students interested in living and working in Korea complete their studies at SolBridge to find employment in Korea. International students on this track will be required to take the Intensive Korean Language classes and attain a minimum of TOPIK 4 before graduation in order to ensure successful employment in Korea.

Track 3: Dual Degree Program

This track allows students to spend 2-3 years studying at SolBridge and 1-2 years at one of our partner institutions. Students are required to satisfy all dual degree requirements before moving forward in their destination institution. SolBridge has a network of over 250 partner universities around the world.

Track 4: Graduate Education

Students interested in pursuing a master’s degree will spend 3-4 years at SolBridge and enroll in a Master’s program at another institution (partner or non-partner). Their study will focus on acquiring the appropriate skills such as research abilities and GMAT, as well as gaining the necessary experience through workshops and competitions required for graduate studies.

Track 5: Entrepreneurship

This track is designed for innovators and students interested in starting a business or running a family business in the future. Students will spend the duration of their studies at SolBridge honing their skills on how to effectively startup and run a business. SolBridge will present them with relevant opportunities, including Start-up competitions and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

Δομή Προγράμματος

The BBA curriculum is divided into three parts: Core, Electives, and Specializations. Students can choose to specialize in one area of business or complete a non-specialized degree and have the option of graduating with a minor in a foreign language to ensure a competitive advantage. To fulfill the graduation requirements, students must complete 132 credit hours and achieve a cumulative GPA of 1.8 or higher.

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Writing and Presentation Skills

Academic Development, Asian Perspectives and Training

Business Communication Across Cultures

Management Information Systems

IT for Business

Coding for Business

Basic Statistical Methods and Applications

Mathematics for Business


International Business Managemen

Introduction to Microeconomics

Principles of Marketing

Strategic Management

Operations Management

Introduction to Corporate Finance

Introduction to Macroeconomics

Introduction to Accounting

Introduction to Business

People and Organization

Μαθήματα Κατεύθυνσης

Financial Markets and Institutions

Mergers and Acquisitions

International Corporate Finance

Managerial Accounting

Commercial Banking

Investment-Stock Trading Experience

Special Topics in Finance

Intermediate Accounting

Investment Analysis

Financial Derivatives

Mathematical Models in Finance

Finance Simulation

Entrepreneurial Finance

Risk Management

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Accounting

Specialization Project – Finance

Management and Entrepreneurship

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Global leadership

E-Business Management

Creativity and Innovation Management

Strategic Interaction and Decision Making

Understanding Startup Business

Special Topics in Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Business Negotiation

Advanced Business Negotiation

Global Strategic Management

Global Supply Chain Management

Franchising Startup Business

Business Law

Management Simulation

Μαθήματα Επιλογής

Accounting for Entrepreneurs

Advanced Decision Models

Advanced Research Skills

Asian Case Study

Asian Case Workshop

Asian Politics from the Regional Point of View

Business Law and Policy in Asia

Business Leadership Development

Business Plan Development

Career Development 1

Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications

Comparative Perspective on Asia and European History

Contemporary Asian Film Studies

Contemporary Korean Culture

Critical Thinking

Culture and Policymaking in South Korea

Disaster and Apocalypse in Contemporary Media

Drama in Practice and Theory

English Satire and News

English: Advanced Reading Class

English: Advanced Writing Class

English: Foundational Listening

English: Foundational Reading

Global English: Speaking

Financial Accounting

English: Foundational Writing

First-Year Seminar

Global Job Searching Practice

Globalization: Clashes and Impacts

Highlights in Asian History

Honors English

Honors English II

Honors Mathematics

Honors Mathematics II

Ideologies: Traditions in Political Thought

Industrial Field Study

Modern Korean Fiction: The Short Story

Modern Korean History

Modernization of South Korea

ART402A Music in Practice and Theory

Personal Development

Philosophy: Governance and Leadership

Physics: Foundations, principles and applications

Psychology for Business

Selected Topics in Business Law

Sex, Gender, and Culture

Social Youth Movements in Korea

Specialization Thesis

Sociology for Business

Speech and Debate

Fitness and Active Lifestyle

Sports Elective

Startup Business Practice

Survey of US History

Exploring Korean Confucianism

Ξένες Γλώσσες

Chinese Beginner

Chinese Intermediate

Chinese Advanced

Business Chinese

Daily Korean

Business Korean

Korean Beginner

Korean Intermediate

Korean Advanced

Korean Writing for Job Search

Japanese Beginner

Japanese Intermediate

Japanese Advanced

Business Japanese

Japanese Culture

Practical Japanese

Conversation in Japanese

Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

The BBA program provides students with key competencies and business skills that prepares them to start a career in different industries. SolBridge graduates have pursued an international career in various industries in Korea as well as overseas. The list below highlights a representative sample of the type of careers SolBridge alumni have embraced.

  • Hospitality Management: International Marketing and Sales, International wine Merchant
  • Banking and Finance: Corporate Banking, Management Associate
  • Consulting: Financial Consultancy (CFA), Audit Tax Consultant
  • Cosmetics: International Marketing and Sales
  • Fintech: Blockchain Specialist
  • Energy: Green Energy Marketing
  • Diplomacy or Government Institutions: Support Executive
  • Entrepreneurship: Culinary Arts, IT services
  • Education: Founder of an educational institution

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