The B.A. in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship is a dually accredited program. You will get both American and European BA degree for a single price. The program is delivered by an international faculty with top qualifications and experience in the business world. We commit ourselves to a personalized education model: in Spring 2020, the average class size in business undergraduate studies was 18 students!
The Entrepreneurship concentration provides students with the hands-on practical experience of running a company and develops their operational, managerial, marketing and interpersonal skills. The modules of this concentration balance theoretical and practical knowledge crucial for setting up and running businesses on local and international scales. Emphasis is placed on practical experience and the ability to use qualitative and quantitative analysis to achieve goals. The concentration provides knowledge in the field of leadership and management in combination with practical experience via building and managing a real company.
After completing this concentration, students will have acquired sound theoretical and practical knowledge, experience in areas of leadership, management, effective communication with business partners and within companies, as well as knowledge of business information systems.