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Teaching (Primary)

Australian Catholic University (Strathfield)
On campus
2 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Ιουλ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a graduate entry, pre-service teacher education course for those who want to qualify as a primary school teacher. Become a primary school teacher who is a reflective, independent, and flexible thinker. Learn how to apply your skills to improve learning outcomes for students from ages five to twelve.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων

1ο Έτος

1ο Εξάμηνο

Foundations of Development and Learning in Australian Childhood Contexts

Foundations of Literacy and Childrens Literature for Early Reading

Foundations of Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy for Children

Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Literacy and Numeracy Diagnostic

Literacy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students

Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students

2ο Εξάμηνο

Effective Teaching 1: Promoting Positive Learner Engagement

English Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 1

Health and Physical Education Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

The Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

2ο Έτος

3ο Εξάμηνο

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories, Cultures and Education

Science Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Choose one of the following:
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in English and Literacy
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in Mathematics and Numeracy
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in Science Education
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in Humanities and Social Sciences
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in The Arts
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in Technologies
Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy and Leadership in Health and Physical Education

4ο Εξάμηνο

Effective Teaching 3: Teacher Inquiry and Evidence-based Practice

Special Education and Inclusive Practice

English Language and Literacy Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2

Mathematics Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2

Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

  • Primary school education
  • Academia
  • Religious education
  • Education research
  • Play education specialist
  • Learning designer
  • Adult learning
  • Curriculum development
  • Education consulting
  • Government education policy making

Χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια στην αίτησή σου;

Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!

Παρόμοια προγράμματα