The Master in Artificial Intelligence (MSc) program at Leiden University offers future-oriented topics in computer science with a focus on machine learning, optimization algorithms, and decision support techniques.
Artificial intelligence techniques are capable of making incredibly accurate predictions on the basis of data they themselves have gathered. In other words, computers can learn without intervention once they have been pre-programmed by humans. In this program, students will explore the borders of what a revolutionary new generation of Artificial Intelligent algorithms can achieve.
96.9% of all graduates have a full-time job, and are employed within an average time of 1.3 months.
The Master in Artificial Intelligence (MSc) also deals with applications of these algorithms to sieve out knowledge from data that is hard to extract for humans, and to search for the best combination of a variety of factors in some production process.
Statutory Tuition Fees: €2,314
International Tuition Fees: €19,600
Institutional Tuition Fees: €15,400