This master in Innovation and Logistics (MSc) (μεταπτυχιακό σε Innovation and Logistics (MSc)) is available at LUT Kouvola's Regional Unit, which is located on the Kasarminmaki campus in Kouvola. The mission of the Kouvola Unit is to share LUT knowledge and expertise with the Kouvola region through research and development as well as education.
The recent global crisis and digital transformation have challenged businesses all over the world and opened the need for professionals with unique multidisciplinary skills, adaptability, open-mindedness, and the ability to manage business innovatively, digitally, and sustainably.
In this master in Innovation and Logistics (MSc) (μεταπτυχιακό σε Innovation and Logistics (MSc)), you will develop your competencies in business decision-making for innovation and logistics, creative and innovative thinking, and collaboration and networking skills. These are what you need to succeed globally and to execute any digital transformations and sustainability strategies in organizations with an entrepreneurial mindset.
The master in Innovation and Logistics (MSc) (μεταπτυχιακό σε Innovation and Logistics (MSc)) employs experiential learning and integrates the best theoretical academic approaches to teaching with real business challenges provided by global and local industrial companies. In your studies, you will combine business, industrial management, and engineering and will apply your knowledge directly to corporate challenges.
In this unique master in Innovation and Logistics (MSc) (μεταπτυχιακό σε Innovation and Logistics (MSc)), you will gain a solid background in logistics and innovation management, quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, practical problem-solving techniques, and abilities to identify and solve complex challenges in today's networked business world.